Let introduce our team :)

Aleksei Rochev

More than 7 years expierence of the purest mobile development from startups to large companies


Objective-C, Swift and more others

You can endlessly list the technologies that he owns. He was hunted by sber, kaspersky and epam, and some companies still do not stop hunt. Has been recruited many times by Java adepts. But he remains so faithful to the apple ecosystem that even this site runs on macOS.

Alexandra Rocheva

If her experience had been a child, he would have already received a passport


Agile, Scrum, BU, OU, UU and a few other obscure acronyms. And also English, Deutsch, Espanol

she will give odds to many boys in organizing processes, monitoring progress and achieving results. she is raising 2 sons, 1 dog and 1 founder of our studio in the best city in Russia)

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